Excellence in pasture establishment does NOT just happen!
It is achieved through
* long term , experienced pasture agronomy knowledge and planning,
* attention to detail all the way through ie no short cuts,
* strict attention to fallow and in crop weed and insect control for 2-3 consecutive years before the new pasture sowing phase
* following our proven pasture establishment and pasture agronomy protocols developed over 40 years of “hands on “ experience establishing and managing pastures for producer clients.
We have successfully established hundreds of new temperate and sub tropical pastures through a full range of seasons , in a diverse range of farm locations , using the full range of pasture establishment methods including fully prepared seedbeds, direct drill and aerial sowing techniques , across a wide range of soil types from heavy black self mulching clays to light sandy loam soils.
In my opinion pastures are effectively a “specialist crop”, which requires more attention to detail than most field crops.


Pasture and small seeded forages require far more attention to detail to get it right , than most large seeded crops like cereals. We have very few herbicides to deal with annual and perennial weeds in new pastures , unlike most crops.
Hence the importance on thorough weed control programs in your crop phases to prepare a very clean seedbed for the new pasture.
I have a mantra “that 80% of your pasture establishment success is determined before pasture sowing”.
When it comes to the day of sowing the new pasture , this is not just about “running out a bit of seed and fertiliser “ as some might think !
The selection of suitable pasture species and varieties of high seed quality , clean pasture seed is a pivotal requirement. Our custom pasture seed blends deliver these requirements. Good soil nutrition programs are essential in achieving productive pastures.
The seeder needs to be well calibrated to accurately deliver the required seed rate and be set to deliver the small pasture seed mix at the desired sowing depth and surface coverage and consolidation.
Here is one of our many 2024 client pasture establishment projects, we have been undertaking , to establish a clean and productive a new phalaris and legume based pasture.
With the favourable season , this could be the ideal opportunity to select a degraded paddock , in the coming weeks /early spring , and place into a 2-3 pasture development program , with our experienced agronomy consulting and farm contracting services.
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